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tv   NBC 10 News at 6am  NBC  June 22, 2014 6:00am-7:01am EDT

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vince-ddoly breo elliheflowromg for a full 24 hours eos for asthma. breo contains a typef medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma it is not kn ts is breo cincreased in c medicine and some eye pros. or if you have heart condition hbld pressue re befortaking breo. k about b-r-e-o for copd. first escription free e new evidence in the search for a rapist. nbc 10 news has surveillance video that policeant you to see. ahead, a violent night philadelphia. at least eight are shot and two of them now died right now though taking a liveook outside at a great beiful live cturing
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across thedela place to be down the shore at cape may. suny rning. your updated weather forecast is peif y're headt coming up in moments. very good morning to you. a g or heading tourch thi welcome to nbc 10 news today. g. shg up day i'm george spencer. of ma people inouthilitary it is 6:00 a.m. on this sunday ofcis ve surroded th morning. we'll get to the forecast with ldier that kle five meteorologist ted florendo. ades at tut postr . ee r ahoti loo like anotr, yes t persuade this another t weend to play this is the weather we can all get behind. >> that's right. rr o lht with hoping to keep it that way today outside. today even better than miliry und the sysm aimad andaybe next weekend too. yestday. outside now we've go clouds ault fl liveook outside at the gerard around the area. in fact a lot of clouds over e bearing ttstin has dring ighta idge. high clouds out there it remains center city this hour. dry out ere. we look at the comcast center. clouds start to thin out this througoh esrd mornin at-ywa ed today it's not entirely sunny. it is dry with cloudy skies. along with fou oth soldiers bom mix of sun andlouds expected temperatures in the 60s for our day today eia by throughout much of the region. the afternoon. it wilbe wa up back to strike that happene montha judga 80s.oing starting off rather cool. enceor nearly tweek. warm day today. thehunderstor retug. days befors 60 reading pots town. wel pinpoint when we'll see 60s down the shore. 200. th leader othusli broth e cominp i a few millville 65, dover 67 at this hondupporters minute hour. like we said, clouds coming in righnow waking u patchy
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laaster 3 visyw.s. sentenced t death sterda from the west. th i followinghe tr it's really much of the same for mount ho tri-state region. overthrowf thepren these clouds break as the t ose areas a the thickest. morning moves on. we're not looking at mostly were ac newseo d across the area. cloudy sky, just a mix of sun we want give you a heads up. and clouds by the afternoon. rning a cst g resetexas. elsewhere eth loo nicechy fog. we'll call it partly sunny. onfridayen ilung 79 at 1:00 p.m. sinking bt i t gf of ildren were saved from the high of 83 degrees. mexico. that r tk pce a mil cooler down the shore in the 70s offshore forpus christi, car and cool too. and cooler in the poconos. 58.iladelphia, k sare xas.passengers used a ste phon cal forlp we'll talk about that and what a coast gua ship w able to expect the early part of the sewhere allen n, lehh safety the bntoport. week. that's coming up. valley 60,lo wh reing. police release the > whil pope f has surveillance video of a man mee for thetalian fia. pottstow67. ueel of .wn thee, atlanticity accused of forcing a you doctor in her apartment where police say he repeatedly raped thencedhat a cooler ce may at 70, 65 wo her. she was on her way home from moters areomatic ladder 15 bar, a few blocks from ex icated fmhe vine and dover 67 forr ent mpe.he wup as far as rainfa >>epter: te sayst where she lived at 19 and spruce that's it. described as highly emo clouds from thewest. goes, way down toirginia if weet a ofn drops streets. matt delucia is live outside ok esman. placen e courtyard special victim's unit with a today it wil brief, isolated of wh father inhe for of closer look at that this maybe a quick shower if
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morning. matt? >> reporter: it's our best look is murderedheldays ne be anything. for the most part,he day is and only look at the man that expected to be dry throughout police say committed this the area. terrible crime. that goe for tomorrowtoo. here is the surveillance video violence aga childr. e thing is for sure. pope pmid toak a he ref hisrafaecse we obtained in the past few take the kids grab t sun hours. it shows the man walking up behind the 26-year-old doctor. s dad is ina aranher was blk, uv index up to nine. it's not of great quality. detectives hope some of you can sh through the hea a car set th we have thsunshine peeking provide them with information. thro clouds. the victim had left ladder 15 re yr day planner. around 1:30 yesterday morning. hour by hour. southern world.grippyrganousruound eurere 00 a., 71, 78y noon, 8 the man grabbed the victim by the neck and forced her to open annual turver over $70 the door to her apartment building on the 1900 block of fewer ou. partly sunny ion. spruce. topope f made h in the poconos 69 by noon 74 once inside police say he forced sang thel andthde un her upstairs to her apartment, raped her, stole her phone and v c h psition on th by 4:00 p.m. keys and then left. only to come back a few minutes fewer clouds in the poconos. later. women in the rittenhouse legalization ofcl this may bhe place to be neighborhood say it's surprising something like this would happen yesteis near them. today. warmay with mid 70s shod they're anxious now to see this s.of t's the growing pectedorhe afternoon g ahe to the next seven guy caught. >> when you go out drinking, you tuday, sun to .t. ventn partsf th u.s ene start to a t still try to be safe. rern of tnderstmsy wedny. th temperas go text your friends to let them
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for lalizg marijuana. ong with t temperes know you got home and they're the you're aooing to pope fncisade his message home as well. >> reporter: the man was riding a bike before the attack. >> ciraq e humy go up too. he locked it up on the street thuntormso osaturday. before approaching the young e u.ov i sending >> celebratethe st lady i. he's 25 to 30 years old, ofmer at britain's best help. esidprobama'top diplomat 5'10", thin build and black known ancient monument. eporteraq o a w middle st hair. he was carrying a black crowds arrived attoneinge messenger bag. sterday t wat sun r police warn if you see anyone through thencient stones. footing weavi wl summ solstews thousan fitting that description, call sc f 911 right away. the myss setf live in hunting park, nbc 10 eye meands andingtones lote miles news. soest of london. new from overnight, it has >here's pro been a violent night in of tloyato assad. philadelphia with eight smt phoneselor shootings. in north philadelphia one teen a show of for clear was killed and another seriously message, they' fight on py visiblems. hurt. someone fired shots at a and die to defend iraq om isis barbecue. that happened in 700 block of tants. pug ogand its montgomery avenue. a 16-year-old killed, a 19-year-old in critical video withnglish speakin condition. slims arouor tooin the window of a 24th district thinq.
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suv was shot. easitoday. fersovnhesingweraq a there were 300 people at the barbecue at the time of the shooting. in north philadelphia a man died after being shot twice outside the galaxy lounge on we meaning they contr the ontario street. rder. isis nowshts sendll this li that man was part of some confrontation outside the bar where a large group of people e only thingetween tm is gathered. authorities are searching for e shooter. investigators are trying to figure out if there's a connection between two shootings that happened just a block kurdh forces like apart. police say the first victim is >>sone in critical condition after being shot while riding his gion i iraq patrolling bike. that shooting in the 5500 block nhwaysnd towns kng ey i fightersbelow. of acastreet. meanwhile a second man was shot ten minutes later. s. here figs he is in stable contion this morning. >> a man shot in oxford circle go gngled inhegh is also in stable condition this morning. do you believ the prime nbc 10 was on the scene on north ni s remas mckinley street. the prime mist? thes shot around nyw shouldn't stay mister. 1145 las night. >> foraliki insis he'll the gunman fled on foot. st and retake all territory he
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>> finally a shooting in north has lostoisis. philadelphia left a man in critic condition. this happened in front of a two one timenemies are house on north 8th street. sely backing him,merica nbc 10 captured video including ul backe militias a the shaer from bullets. police are now investigating. that fought troops in iraq f herowing now to a developing story ete step from gloucester county. down including the most senior reous figures inhis it happened last night on south country. despite those calls prime back forest pike in monroe minister iists hstaying township. one person was hurt. the office area was okay. for now he has the backi ohis me we've been in touch with police this morning. as soon as we get information, in iran. we'll bring it to you here. fous sites.f strikinghe fi out t reason for that b hospital workers will be back on celeatn. wearming upk 80s day r e day.suse. the job today. yeld a one d strike at the hospital saturday. shoulberyhe pt pa live look atapemay. highuds outthere.ho workers include certified nursing stts, i'll l kno up. transporters, emergency roo technici workers say wages and benefits are less than the average
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time now 6:24 on a sunday pennsylvania hospital. the hospital tells nbc 10 that morning. a live look at cape may. no services are being disrupted. a beautiful start to the sunday down there. parts of our area are seeing fog the cause of a fire at an this morning. ocean city restaurant remains i'm j-a-n-e and i have copd. down at the shore, get out and enjoy it. under investigation. beautiful morning and should be it happened yesterday morning at a beautiful couple of days. happy days cafe. pennsylvania senator bob casey is backing new legislation fire officials say there's about that would extend a popular $100,000 worth of damage. health care program for kids. none was hurt. the children's health care still nbc 10 , m d-a-v-e and i have copd. program known as chip helps low a busy weekend for the coast guards. income families take kids to the espra into action i'm a-t-e and i have copd, to save out doctor. it covers 271,000 pennsylvania agains organizedcrime. but t nt mbrthin kids. the senator wants to extend chip the message the pope has for the mafia. ti n 6:0 thi9 o through the year 2019. it would extend to pregnant women and offer better dental care. >> it's vital we not only continue the program but as the senator of the rockefeller bill which i support is to provide funding so the program can
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continue with adequate funding. >> that program started in pennsylvania in 1992 and went nationwide in 1997. millions of children are at risk for vision problems, but some cannot be screened because they're too young. dr. bruce hinsel explains there's a high-tech way to diagnose kids as young as six months old. >> she's worried about his eye. he had a lazy eye. >> i was diligent at all check ups asking when he was get tested. >> jack is too young for conventional tests like the eye chart which is what most pediatricians use. his pediatrician is trying somethg new, a smart phone app called go check kids. >> take a picture of thechild's
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eye. as early as six months of age you can pick up the same risk factors. >> nearsightedness, farsightedness and a stigmatism. the child does not have to read and has to sit still for a few seconds. it uses something similar to red eye effect in fophotos. the camera records detailed images of the child's eye. >> you can see a crescent shape on right or left side. that gives risk factors measured by ophthalmologist. >> soon the app will automatically detect problems giving the pediatrician early warning something may be wrong. that can result in early treatment and prevention of early childhood vision lost. for dotti it's providing piece of mind. >> knowing i'm helping prevent
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that in him, that's my job as a mom. >> that was dr. bruce hinsel reporting. the photo apps are a reliable screening tool for eye problems. an eye specialist must still diagnose and treat that issue. nbc 10 news today continues in just a moment with another half hour of news. matt delucia is following new clues in the search for a ripisripe i -- a rapist. >> reporter: police are hoping the newly released video helps get the attacker off the streets. i'll show you that when nbc 10 news continues.
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this morning investigators release new evidence in the search for a rapist. nbc 10 news has the surveillance
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video police wanted you to see. new this morning a rash of shootings across philadelphia. at least eight were shot. taking a live look outside on a sunday morning at boat house row. should be another near perfect day. a mixture of sun and clouds and just a bit warmer than what we saw yesterday. very good morning to you. welcome to nbc 10 news today. i'm george spencer. it's 6:30 a.m. on a sunday. let's get to the forecast with meteorologist ted florendo. we cannot argue with summer starting like this. >> not at all george. in fact another nice day. our first full day of summer is going to feel like -- at least humidity isn't as bad as earlier this week. outside now, look at art museum. high clouds this hour. not seeing any rain nor do we expect any at all this morning. humidity is up just a little bit. take a look now. in fact a lot up to 84% now and
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higher. at least it's cool this morning as we stay in the 60s throughout much of the area here. we'll remain that way. 57 pottstown, allen town 60, 65 millville, atlantic city 62, lancaster 59, trenton 62. mount holly 61 degrees. here is what you can expect for the day today. warmer, 83 degrees about the high today. we've got a mix of sun and clouds. it will be warmer today than yesterday. your winds currently light. they should remain that way. got a sea breeze to keep things in the 70s down the shore, cape may, avalon and down to wildwood too. we'll talk about what to expect. rain is back in the forecast. we'll tell you when you'll need the umbrellas. that's coming up in your first alert forecast in a couple minutes. george? new this morning police have a big include a that could help lead them to the man wanted in a rape and home invasion in
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rittenhouse square. this video shows the suspect as he approached a young doctor and forced his way inside her apartment. the victim was on her way home from ladder 15 bar, just a short woo walk from her home. matt delucia is live outside the special victim's unit. >> reporter: this has women in rittenhouse square worried at least until police get this guy off the streets. as of now, police have not made arrests. we'll show you the surveillance video again. it shows the man walking up behind the 26-year-old doctor. she had just left the tavern at 1:30 yesterday morning. police say the man grabbed the victim by the neck, forced her to open the door to her apartment building on the 1900
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block of spruce. he forceed her upstairs to her apartment, raped her, stole her phone and keys. left only to come back a few minutes later. right now people in that rittenhouse square neighborhood held us they're keeping a more watchful eye on what is around them especially at night. >> in this neighborhood and any neighborhood you live in and reside in and go out in, you want to feel safe. you shouldn't have to worry about those things. unfortunately today you do have to be aware of surroundings at all times. >> philadelphia police tell us the man they are looking for was riding a bike before the attack and locked it up on the street before approaching this woman. police tell us he is 25 to 30 years of age. 5'5" to 5'10", thin build and black hair. he was carrying a black messenger bag. police have not said if there was a weapon involved. they warn if you see anyone suspicious fitting that description, don't approach them. call police right away.
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live at the special victim's unit this morning, i'm matt delucia, nbc 10 news. new from overnight. it has been a violent night in the city of philadelphia with at least eight shooting. in north philadelphia a teen was killed and another shot in the 7 1700 block of montgomery avenue. a 16-year-old was killed and a 19-year-old is in critical condition. the police suv was window was shot. >> one round struck the vehicle side window. luckily the officer was out of the vehicle. >> there were 300 people at the barbecue at the time of the shooting. another deadly shooting outside a bar in philadelphia. a man was killed after he was shot twice outside the galaxy lounge on west ontario street. police tell nbc 10 the man was
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part of confrontation outside the bar where a large group of people gathered. two men were shot within minutes of each other. the first was riding his bike on american street. he's now in critical condition. the second victim shot one block away. he's in stable condition. investigators are work now to figure out if those shootings are connected. a man shot in oxford circle is in stable condition. nbc 10 was at that scene. the victim was shot on the street around 1145. the gunman took off on foot. finally a shooting in north philadelphia left a man in critical condition. this happened in front of a house on north eighth street. this is a video of the scene including shattered glass from the bullets. police are investigating. by the order of president obama, federal mediators
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tomorrow will handle the labor dispute between setpa and regional rail workers. mediators hold talks with both sides. the board has until july 14th to report recommendations to president obama. the executive order last weekend prevented rail workers from striking up to 240 days. also starting tomorrow, road work on springdale road in cherry hill. the improvement projects include repaving springdale road. crews will be doing drainage and concrete work. you should be advised springdale will remain open this entire time. drivers should expect delays. we have new information as police release the picture of a man wanted in a shooting. investigators identify the suspect as jeffrey chandler. the woman believed to be the partner in his crimes was
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arrested last week. the duo was caught holding up a rob trip. same couple is believed to is shot another man. they made off with a number of guns from both robberies. on the crisis in iraq, secretary of state john kerry has arrived in egypt to try to gain support from allies and work out a diplomatic solution. mean while insurgents are gaining ground in their march to baghdad. sunni militants claimed control of three cities in iraq yesterday. some radicals that speak english urged others to join the uprising in a video that went viral. in washington d.c. yesterday, some protests sprung up over president obama's new plan to send 300 green berets to work with iraqi forces. in just a few hours
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volunteers hit the streets of delaware in effort to find the person that seriously beat a pit bull and left him for dead. here is video of that dog as he continues to recover. last month he was beaten with a brick in wilmington after being taken from his owner's yard. the dog suffered three skull fractures and lost eyesight. volunteers will put up fliers to try to find his attacker. the humane society has offered a $5,000 reward for anyone who has information that may lead to an arrest in that case. happening today, the main event at this weekend's philly triathlon. the 10th annual event gets underway at 6:30 in fair mont park. the course consists of a mile long swim, a 25 mile bike race and six mile run along mlk
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drive. it benefits paid yacediatric ca research. you'll find the annual music and arts festival this afternoon from 2:00 to 7:00. the family event will feature street food, drinks, free music, and an artist alley on forest avenue. today is the last day of the fire fly music festival in kent county. that started thursday in dover delaware. it attracted 80,000 music fans from all across the country. the festival begins at noon and will run until 11:00 tonight. some of today's final performances on the main stage is from lumineers, johnson and other major names. if you're getting married or know someone that is, there's something the bride and groom
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need to know before the wedding. it could be the secret to a long marriage.
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a poll released this week finds most people that signed up for president obama's affordable care act are happy with their insurance. many are still struggling to pay the costs. a survey released by the kaiser family foundation show 43% of people that signed up are having trouble paying premiums. that's with subsidies from the government. many rate employer's coverage better than health care rates
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obtained through obama care. fihamels could not keep the streak going. including a baseball play you've probably never seen before. shaping up to be a beautiful sunday. can we keep this streak going another weekend in a row? this is the poconos, mostly sunny. i've got the details coming up. 23rz
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. get outside and play in the sun today. should be real nice and warm today too. down at cape may, things look good. we've got high clouds all across the area. it remains dry. live look from our camera on top of the hotel.
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not a lot of people out there this morning. it's still early. sure we'll have a lot of people in the next couple of hours. reading now, clear and sunny. philadelphia though mostly cloudy skies. currently 65 for you. atlantic city, we show you clouds. cape may seeing them also. all areas remain dry now. 60 allen town, reading 60. pottstown 57 for our current temperature. elsewhere wilmington 62. wildwood 66. dover 67 degrees for our current temperature. millville now, good morning to you, starting off right now in the mid-60s. ocean temperature 71 today. look at our temperature trend. not bad today. 83, typically 84 this time of year. then numbers start to go up. 88 by wednesday. drop by thursday. we'll start to see humidity increase as more thunderstorms start to move into the area. the other days will remain dry
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and warm. look at that. mid-80s by tuesday. radar shows dry conditions now. the only showers we're seeing are way south of d.c. this hour. few clouds from the west. we'll see them throughout the day. we'll call for a mix of sun and clouds. for the most part, we remain dry. if we get rain activity, showers i should say, it will not touch the ground. this is what we're seeing on the future cast. a lot will evaporate before it hits the ground. if it hits the ground it will be light showers and brief. looking dry for our monday especially in the morning hours. sky cast shows temperatures 71 at 9:00 a.m. 79 degrees sun and clouds at 1:00. 83, will be warm today.
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grab the sun block. uv index up to 9. sunny and warm monday. clo clouds increase by tuesday. wednesday we see the humidity go up, chance of thunderstorms increase. possibly thursday too and friday. as we head to the weekend, going to feel like summer again as we get back to upper 80s by the end of the week. and in sports the phillies try to start a new winning streak in st. louis. here's danny pommells of comcast sportsnet. >> good morning. i'm danny pommells from comcast sportsnet. let's talk baseball. phillies and cardinals went at it in a pitching dual for seven innings. check this out. we go to the third first. carpenter, ground out to first. howard makes the nice diving stop and flips to hamels for the
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out. between the fifth and sixth, looks like a heated discussion. hamels didn't speak after the game. we go to the top of the eighth. jimmy rollins doing his part. infield hit to extend the hitting streak to 15 games. those were all one hit games. still 1-1. carpenter scores. snapped the phillies winning streak 5-4-1. here's something you don't see everyday. brewers and rockies. fredrick throws a wild pitch with bases loaded. runner on third scores. bad throw leads to runner on second scoring. while the rockies are licking their wounds, sulking about two runs scoring, here comes the base clearing wild pitch run. a u.s. win today against
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portugal or thursday against germany and americans advance to knock-out round 16. americans are without a player who suffered a hamstring injury against ghana. they have to deal with an angry portugal squad who was blown out by germany in the open her. >> we're excited by the challenge and moment. we feel like we've put yourselves in a good position. still, everybody is mindful of the fact it's just one game. >> what every 11 guys that go out there, we have a great job of being able to adapt to certain game plans and strategies. our coaching staff does a tremendous job of putting together this plan. flyers first two games of the 2014-15 season announced. they'll open october 8th in boston with the homeowner. following night against the devils. the rest of the schedule released this afternoon. flyers and alumni for on the
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baseball diamond. next up the nh l draft that starts friday at the wells fargo center. we asked paul about hosting the event. >> flyers staff has done a tremendous job getting everything in place. nh l has their bit they're doing too. we're excited about the event coming to philadelphia and have the spotlight of hockey on us. it's going to be kind of cool. >> the flyers hold the 17th overall pick in the first round. that's your look at sports. i'm danny pommells from comcast sportsnet. now cnbc has a preview of what to expect during the week aft ahead in the week of business. >> watch for a big week starting monday. dow and s&p 500 start near all time highs. there's one eye on iraq, rising gas and oil prices amid the
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violence. that's something investors are considering. next week, manufacturing data starts monday. on tuesday, the american housing takes center stage as data comes out along with new home sales. nike tells investors how the company faired on thursday. get all your business news on cnbc. d save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. yeah. everybody knows that. did you know there is an oldest trick in the book? what? trick number one. look-est over there. ha ha. made-est thou look. so end-eth the trick. hey.... yes.... geico. fifteen minutes could save you... well, you know.
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it's time to find some real harmony, with nature. [ family screams ] elmo! [ wolf, kids howling ] [ train whistles ] [ bird chirps ] [ people screaming ] [ snoring ] music to mom's ears.
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[ female announcer ] turn your visit into a getaway. busch gardens and water country usa summer packages from just $60 per person per night. [ mom ] we may live in houses, but we're born for busch gardens.
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if you're said to be a summer bride or groom, there is one thing you need to know about your fiance before you walk down the aisle. our national correspondent claims it's the most likely thing to do in marriage. >> i ca soily blurred whenlyweds fail to exchange financial info before exchanging vows. >> financial stress is the number one stress in a relationship. if we want to make our relationship last and be happy and positive going forward, we
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need to be up front and talk about this stuff. >> stuff like yearly income, each other's benefit at work, retirement accounts. more importantly, josh says share with each other any financial burdens brought into the marriage like debt. >> certainly if there is a lot of debt being brought into a marriage and it's kept a secret, we're starting out on the wrong foot we were hiding something to begin with. >> he goes so far as to suggest before the i do at altar, couples say yes to a credit report on each other. >> one of the top surveys that came out from the credit rating agency said the number one topic not discussed was credit score. >> so budget not just for the wedding he says, but for life happily thereafter. nbc 10 news continues in a moment with another full hour of
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news. matt delucia is following new information on the search for a rapest. >> reporter: police uncover evidence as they try to hunt down the man that raped a 26-year-old woman in rittenhouse sca square. i'll have that after the break. temperatures again in the mid-80s. should be real nice. live look starting off with cloud this morning. we'll let you know what to expect for the workweek coming up.
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this morning police have released surveillance video in their search for a rapist in rittenhouse square. what investigators are now saying about the investigation. it was a violent night across philadelphia. today police are busy tracking leads after eight people were shot in separate incidents. world cup count down in just hours. the u.s. takes center stage in brazil as they try to take down portugal and move on to the next round. right now a beautiful live look at the skyline in center
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city, philadelphia. we're expecting a mix of sun and clouds today. your first alert forecast is just
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